Drone Baby Drone

Finally got a drone. I’ve been obsessed with aerial views since flying with my family as a little kid. The advent of google earth in 2001 helped fuel my interest–satellite views on maps and apps are taken for granted now, but back between my freshman and...
2016 Red Bull Illume Image Quest

2016 Red Bull Illume Image Quest

There are just under 24 hours left to submit to the 2016 installment of the Red Bull Illume Image Quest, and I highly encourage everyone to do so. If you don’t already know about the Illume contest, it’s a free; once-every-three-years photography competition specific...
2015 US Open of Surfing

2015 US Open of Surfing

(you can skip to the gallery at the bottom…I won’t be offended, just don’t expect a xmas gift) It always amazes me how many surfers say they hate competitive surfing. This goes for surf photographers as well, who often loath a day–or god forbid...
Recently in the surf world

Recently in the surf world

Recently enough hail accumulated in Huntington Beach to make the area around the pier look like New England; a few days later there was a mid-summer strength south swell and the Wedge roared to life a few months early; the newly, ridiculously named WSL started off on...
DriftwoodFoto Tips: Prevent water drops with a Dry Port

DriftwoodFoto Tips: Prevent water drops with a Dry Port

Welcome to the first installment of my tech tips/shooting skills/professional tricks-of-the-trade section of the DriftwoodFotoBlog! As I eluded to in the previous post, there are too many tip/skill articles out there claiming pro-level advice, but in reality...