Locals Only download galleries. Sharing the stoke.
Instead of waiting on me to send out photos individually, or me tracking down unknown emails... just follow the link at the bottom of the page
*Links below are password protected, but only to ensure random people aren't hopping in and downloading. Get the password from me, or whoever gave you the link.
Please note:
These photos are for your individual enjoyment + posting photos of yourself to your personal accounts.
While you can share them with any sponsors + companies you are on good terms with, they are NOT for sponsor/commercial use; all companies must First contact me directly to arrange Usage Rights, even for social media (that includes reposts).
Local Surf Sessions Click Here
Local Volleyball Sessions Click Here
PLEASE READ: The day's of sponsors and companies claiming "so-and-so had it on their Instagram/Facebook/Twitter and we thought it was ok to just share it too," are long past... Likewise is asking for permission afterwards, or simply saying they "didn't know better." They all do. Social media has been around long enough, and most companies pay people full-time salaries to manage their feeds... so yes, they all do know better. Some still try to abuse it, and it's pretty lame.
If you have sponsors (or companies you talk with, get product from, etc.), and you are sharing, tagging, and/or @ mentioning them in your posts ... please be sure they understand they CANNOT use the photo or video for anything without first contacting me and obtaining written Usage Rights/Licensing.
--> if you see they have, please be sure to tell them/help monitor things, because believe me...if I contact them, whether it's a product-only deal or you've been on their roster for 10 years, many will absolutely hang you out to dry claiming you "gave them permission" even if you did not.
Enjoy the photos!